Tribute creation.

2008 September 25

Created by Mike Kenworthy 16 years ago
I started to build my Tribute to my grandma today. She always wanted to know what I was up to, what life was dealing me and she could converse with the best. She struggled in later years I think and a few weeks ago I saw her and her short term memory was shot but her long term memory was fantastic. Its nothing abnormal at 94 and she was a great person. Even towards the end she would not ask for anything or complain. There are lessons to be learned in these words and she has & had my very deepest respect for those lessons. I remember her taking me out in her Morris Minor car or in her kitchen at Castle View but best of all was a holiday in Javia in Spain where we all got rather drunk and she came out of the bar swinging her handbag and shouting "whopee!" Man she made me laugh and I learned then that inside every grandma is a party animal trying to get out. She could tell you stories too and real ones at that. She knew I was a re-enactor with a WW2 group and she told me several stories about that period but the one that sticks in my mind is the story of her watching the dogfights over the south coast. I feel proud that she was able to share this and other stories with me. It was a trust thing & I loved her for that all the more. I saw her today as I had to say goodbye. Next to telling my dad she had passed away it was the hardest thing I have done in my life. So, rest easy grandma. We share our name more than most and I will miss you. Don't worry about dad,I'll look after him you know that. Thank you for being you and other stuff only we know about. I appreciate it and I know that you do too Good night & God bless Your eldest grandchild, Mike With love & kisses also from Louise, Natasha, Jordan & Sabian